
If I could predict the future, I would have found a way to be a baseball player, maybe the Cubs would not have waited a century for their World Series. But not everything turns out the way we predict, and if the world lost a baseball player, at least I can say I hit a home run with DPR Simulations technology, and in a way I can contribute to your company’s better future.

Other facts about me:

  • BS Mechanical Engineering

  • Masters and PhD in Petroleum Engineering

  • Specialist in simulation and coding

  • 12 years of experience in fluid analysis

I don’t like to brag, but my wife would be upset if I didn’t mention I’m also a numerical analysis and programming specialist who spent the last decade in fluid analysis.

I still feel like I would have been a great baseball player, if only I had run some simulation on my own career options.

What about you? Imagine where your company can be with our technology.
Let’s start a conversation.

Denis Antonio Shiguemoto, CEO

My passion for simulations started at an early age, in sports. More precisely, as a young table tennis player. And if you know anything about table tennis, then you understand how fast we have to be and know exactly where your opponent will hit the ball.

Now I feel like I’m playing in a different league, but the rush is the same, and each new simulation we create at DPR feels like another championship victory.

Other credentials I bring to the table are:

  • BS Mechanical Engineering

  • Masters in Petroleum Engineering

  • Specialist in simulation and coding

  • 10 years of experience in fluid analysis

Get in touch, I’d love to hear about your challenges and see how we can help your company continue to thrive.

Raphael Issamu Tsukada, CTO

  • PhD Chemical Engineering

  • Specialist in explosion, fire, and gas dispersion – Cambridge University (UK)

  • 17 years of experience in modeling, accident investigation, and risk analysis in the chemical process industry.

Sávio Vianna, Advisor